Understanding the Dental Implant Placement Process

The stability and comfort of dental implants make them the best available method for replacing missing teeth. However, the dental implant procedure requires several steps, including planning your implant placement and surgery to ensure the best possible outcome. At our Nashville, TN, practice, Dr. Clint Newman can help you determine whether dental implants are right for you, coordinate your procedure with a reputable oral surgeon, and place your restorations for exceptional, long-lasting results. 

During dental implant surgery, your surgeon will make a small incision in the gums to access the jaw bone and embed the titanium post into the tissue.

Planning Your Implant Treatment

If you are missing teeth and want to replace them with dental implants, you can schedule an appointment with Dr. Newman to discuss your options. During this consultation, he will examine your oral health and design a treatment plan suited to your needs and goals. He can also answer any of your questions at this time to ensure you feel comfortable about the process. Once you are ready to proceed, Dr. Newman will coordinate your implant surgery with a trusted local surgeon and provide you with the information you need to prepare for the procedure.

Preparing for Your Procedure

There are several steps you can take in the days leading up to your dental implant procedure for a smoother recovery, such as:

  • Preparing soft foods, such as smoothies and pasta, and freezing portions
  • Postponing any important events until at least one week after surgery
  • Fasting for four to 12 hours before sedation
  • Choosing a comfortable outfit to wear during your appointment

You should arrange a ride home from your surgery. You may also need someone to stay with you for the first night to help you with certain tasks. Dr. Newman will provide you with individualized instructions during your consultation. 

About the Procedure

There are two stages of dental implant placement. The first step is placing the implant post. Once that heals, your surgeon will place an abutment, a small connector which attaches the restoration to the post. An oral surgeon will perform both stages of implant placement, after which you will return to our office for placement of your final restoration with Dr. Newman

Dental Implant Placement

On the day of your surgery, your surgeon will ensure you are comfortable by administering sedation. You will discuss the level of sedation beforehand. Once you are comfortable, your surgeon will make a small incision in the gums to access the jaw bone. They will then embed the titanium post into the tissue and close the incision with sutures. Depending on your situation, they may also place a temporary restoration while you heal.

The Healing Period

Over the next three to six months, your dental implants will undergo a process known as osseointegration. During this time, the implant post will fuse with the surrounding bone tissue. Successful osseointegration creates a strong, stable foundation for your restoration. 

Abutment and Final Restoration

Once your implant is fully healed, your oral surgeon will place the abutment. Once the abutment is in place, you will visit Dr. Newman for placement of your crown, bridge, or denture to the abutment for a fully restored smile. 

Recovery and Aftercare

Recovery varies from patient to patient, depending on the natural healing speed of the body. You should plan to spend the day of surgery resting. You will likely experience post-surgical side effects, such as discomfort and swelling. Typically, these symptoms are minor and can be managed with pain medication and ice packs. 

For patients interested in replacing lost teeth, dental implants are the most effective method available. With proper care, implant posts can last a lifetime.

Most patients experience side effects from surgery during the first week. During this time, you should eat soft foods, such as oatmeal and noodles, and avoid anything crunchy, hard, or chewy. Patients should avoid chewing directly on the implants as much as possible. 

It is important to maintain a consistent oral health care routine. Brushing and flossing regularly can help prevent infection from developing around the implants. With proper care, implant posts can last a lifetime. By avoiding smoking and keeping your implants healthy, you can significantly reduce the chance of implant failure and protect your implant-supported restoration for years to come. 

Restore Your Smile

Tooth loss can cause a range of issues and affect the aesthetics of your smile. For patients interested in replacing lost teeth, dental implants are the most effective method currently available. Find out more about the dental implant procedure and whether implants are right for you by contacting our team online today.

Dr. Clint Newman, DDS

Clint Newman, DDS

Dr. Clint Newman is a renowned cosmetic dentist who combines advanced technology with a keen eye for detail to provide his patients with outstanding results. In addition to being the official dental provider of the Tennessee Titans, Dr. Newman is a member of prestigious organizations, including:

  • American Dental Association
  • Fellowship of Christian Athletes
  • Nashville Dental Society
  • American Academy of Cosmetic Dentistry

To schedule a consultation at Clint Newman, DDS, request an appointment online or call (615) 385-3507 today.

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