Clint Newman, DDS

Featured Case All Porcelain Bridge

Apr 17, 2012 @ 12:09 PM — by
Tagged with: Cometic Dentist Porcelain Veneers Porcelain Bridge

Clint Newman DDS, Cosmetic Dentist Nashville, Tennessee:

April 2012 featured case work:


Before Image:  Highlights the patient's porcelain fused to metal bridge that is badly discolored. Note the negative gingiva reaction over the years to the metal.


The After Image shows an all porcelain bridge spanning the front six teeth.

The patient's goal was to have a more aesthetic and cosmetic treatment to produce a more youthful smile.


This patient now has that natural looking smile that he has always wanted in two short visits.

If you would like to schedule a consultation, or if you have additional questions about Dr. Newman’s practice contact his office:

4219 Hillsboro Road
Suite 104
Nashville, TN 37215
Phone: 615.385.3507

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