Clint Newman, DDS

Sedation Dentistry for Gag Reflex

Jul 8, 2014 @ 01:06 PM — by
Tagged with: General Dentistry Sedation Dentistry

The Gag Reflex

There are many things that can cause discomfort while undergoing dental treatments. One especially uncomfortable thing is the sensation of gagging. You may have experienced this trying to clean your own tongue with your toothbrush, which is actually common. (Many invest in tongue scrapers in order to clean their tongues and avoid gagging.)

People with poor gag reflex may have a very uncomfortable time during dental visits. This is common when undergoing lengthy treatments when the mouth is left open for a long period of time, or when water trickles past the teeth toward the throat during a routine cleaning appointment. When you meet with a cosmetic dentist, you may find out that sedation dentistry for an overactive gag reflex can benefit you.

Obviously the discomfort that such patients experience is unfortunate, which is why dental health professionals need to mitigate such problems as much as possible.

Why Sedation Dentistry is Helpful for Patients with Poor Gag Reflex

When patients are in a relaxed state, they will be less likely to gag during dental care and also less likely to be bothered by gagging during treatment. This will allow patients to be relaxed while they get basic dental work performed.

Which kind of sedation would be best for me?

This really depends on your own needs and the discretion of the cosmetic and restorative dentistry center. Your own dental health and medical history may determine which is right for you, for instance. This will be discussed during your consultation process, and we will provide you with all the information that you need to make an informed decision about these matters. Learn more about the types of sedation dentistry we offer.

Other Uses for Sedation Dentistry

In addition to helping patients with poor gag reflex, sedation dentistry has also proven helpful for:

Learn More About Advanced Dental Care Treatment

If you have a bad gag reflex and would like to find out if sedation dentistry would be an ideal solution for you, be sure to contact our Nashville cosmetic and restorative dentistry center today. The entire team here looks forward to meeting you in person and helping you achieve optimal dental health.