Clint Newman, DDS

Top Treatments for Cavities

Jul 10, 2014 @ 02:45 PM — by
Tagged with: General Dentistry

Treating Cavities

From overconsumption of sugary foods to poor oral hygiene to plain old genetics, various factors contribute to the formation of cavities. Ultimately, cavities are caused by plaque buildup on the teeth, which damages the enamel and forms holes in the teeth known as cavities.

Some Nashville patients may be entirely unaware they have a cavity, since cavities sometimes have no symptoms. Other times, in more advanced cases, patients will experience pain and can even see visible holes in the teeth.

This is why regular dentist visits are so important to your oral health. Typically, most cavities are discovered during routine dental exams, while they are still in their earliest and most treatable stage.

Depending on the particular stage and severity of your cavity, different cosmetic dentistry treatment options are available.

Treatments for Cavities

Tips for Preventing Cavities

Fortunately, these painful cavity treatments can often be avoided all together simply by following a few simple oral hygiene rules:

Learn More about Cavity Treatments

Cavities are no fun. Fortunately, several treatment options are available depending on the stage and severity of your cavity. The sooner a cavity is detected, the less severe the necessary treatment. Remember that early detection through regular dental visits combined with preventative measures such as good oral hygiene, fluoride products, and dental sealants can help you avoid cavities and their uncomfortable treatments all together. To learn more about cavity treatments and prevention tips, schedule an appointment with Dr. Clint Newman today.