Clint Newman, DDS

Choosing the Right Dentist for Porcelain Veneers

Sep 21, 2017 @ 02:30 PM — by
Tagged with: Porcelain Veneers Cosmetic Dentistry

When it comes to making a smile look it absolute best, there are few better cosmetic treatment options than porcelain veneers. These versatile shells of dental ceramic are able to mask various aesthetic imperfections from view, leaving a patient's smile looking pristine.

Yet there may be a dilemma. There are plenty of cosmetic dentists in the booming Nashville area, which means that picking the right one can be difficult. Let's offer some insight on choosing a qualified dentist, and what you may want to consider as you're searching for the right dental care professional near you.

How Important Is It to Pick the Right Dentist?

Quite important.

Not all dentists are the same, and that's often reflected in the quality of their work. Some dentists just want to get the job done and run a dental mill that shuttles patients in and out. Others are concerned with improving a patient's smile and their quality of life. Try to be discerning and careful when picking a dentist, particularly if you're interested in getting a smile makeover.

Ask Friends and Family for Recommendations

Your friends and family are a great primary resource for dentist recommendations. You can trust the people in your network to give you names you can trust. If they're satisfied with the work, chances are that you might be satisfied as well.

Search for Reviews Online

The internet is an invaluable tool for finding qualified dentists in your area. Simple search terms like "cosmetic dentist in Nashville" or "veneers dentist Nashville area" can give you plenty of leads.

Once you've got a few names and practices that look promising, look up reviews and patient testimonials online. These firsthand accounts/evaluations will help you determine if the dentist values quality work and excellent patient care.

Visit the Dentist's Website

A dentist's website can tell you a lot about who they are. Check out their website and read their bios. This ought to include information on their education as well as professional memberships and affiliations. Good credentials and qualifications typically means a high level of commitment to patients. Read some pages on that website to find out what the dentist offers in terms of cosmetic dentistry.

If the dentist can be found on social media, check out those accounts as well for insight into their work and their approach to dental care.

Look at Before and After Photos

If you're interested in a smile makeover, be sure to look up a dentist's before and after photos. Most websites have smile galleries that provide examples of what a dentist can achieve with his or her actual patients. This is a good way to see the results a dentist achieves with porcelain veneers and other cosmetic and restorative procedures.

Reach Out to the Practice with Questions

If you have any questions for the dentist, don't hesitate to ask them. Contact that practice and speak with the dentist or a staff member. If they provide friendly and straightforward answers to your questions, they're likely to be trustworthy and interested in patient satisfaction.

Consider the Tone and Demeanor of the Dentist

You may have reached out to a dentist or a few dentists before making your choice. Keep their tone of voice and personality in mind as you're making that final decision.

If a dentist seemed pushy or too focused on price, they might not have your best interests in mind. If the dentist was friendly and genuine and was interested in you and your dental care goals, that dentist is likely the right choice.

Speak with an Experienced Dentist

To learn more about porcelain veneers and how they can help you have the smile you've always wanted, be sure to contact an experienced cosmetic and restorative dentist today. We look forward to your visit and discussing these matters in greater detail.